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Colorful isn't a well-known make to U.s. tech consumers, who are much more probable to be familiar with the likes of Asus, Gigabyte, and MSI. If the motherboard and GPU manufacturer has its way, however, its devices may soon exist grabbing headlines — especially if the company brings its proof-of-concept B150 motherboard with an integrated GTX 1070 to market in the United states.

The B150 is a budget chipset from Intel that supports the latest Intel Skylake processors, but doesn't include overclocking options, RAID back up, or nearly equally many PCI-Due east lanes devoted to the chipset itself. Nvidia's GTX 1070 is, of course, the lower-end cousin of the GTX 1080, with significantly improved performance over its Maxwell counterpart. Combine the two of them, and you get something like the below:


On the left yous've got Nvidia's GTX 1070, while the residuum of the motherboard is over on the right. The chip at the bottom centre of the page is probably a span chip to connect the motherboard to the integrated GPU card, and there are two mini-PCI Limited chips (labeled 5A71B). If we had to approximate, the meridian-left block might be a power connector with two USB ports on the top of the board, front-mounted sound jacks and USB ports at the bottom right. That's just a gauge, however — it'south genuinely not articulate which management the board is meant to orient in.

This manifestly isn't a board designed for the ATX standard; it's more than akin to something you'd run into in an Intel NUC or Gigabyte Brix. These kinds of custom kits accept gotten more popular in recent years, but no one has recently tried to stuff a high-terminate GPU alongside a top-end Skylake chip in such a small chassis. While both the GTX 1070 and Intel's Skylake are relatively power-efficient, the GPU alone is still capable of drawing 160W. Even if you lot believe the rumors that Nvidia will use desktop Pascal fries equally mobile GPUs, we'd still await a organization congenital around these components to depict 180-200W under load. That's quite svelte for a gaming desktop, only way too hot for diminutive boxes.

Volition consumers bite?

While it'due south definitely absurd to see a board like this, consumers may not exist interested in significant numbers. The typical tradeoff between desktops and laptops is that you buy a laptop for portability but sacrifice upgrade options, while a desktop is bulkier but much less portable. Tiny systems like NUCs are integrated like laptops with a few upgrade options, but they don't effort to pack in large GPUs with expensive cost tags — and make no fault, no PC that integrated a 1070 is going to be particularly cheap, especially if it uses a mobile chip to proceed the TDP lower.

That'southward not to say a box like this would observe no audition. It could be useful to people who want a tiny living room PC and gaming box, or anyone for whom infinite is at a premium. The 1070's overall excellent performance should keep information technology fresh for years to come, and the Skylake CPU will have no trouble running gaming titles for a similarly long time. Colorful has yet to reveal details on the product or whether it will bring the hardware to market; we'll exist curious to run across if the company releases the board in Due north America.