How To Draw Human Skeleton
The child asks questions about the body when he or she is growing: "How do I move?", "Why are my knees being bent?"… Draw together with your child a human skeleton to explain everything to him or her visually and tell important facts about it:
- The bones are half made up of water.
- Human bone is twice stronger than a stone.
- The number of skeleton's bones are from 206 to 215. You can't define it exactly. Every person has a different number of bones.
- The skull consists of 29 bones connected with joints.
Well, can we start?
Head and neck
You can use your compass or a coin of a proper size to draw a small circle. Draw a jaw below with the help of straight lines. It's the only moving bone in the skull. Next, draw three cervical vertebrae.
It's the only human bone which connects the body skeleton and the arm. Draw it on the right and on the left.
Thoracic cage
Thoracic cage protects the internal organs from damage. First, draw its oval shape. Shoulder blades protude at the edges on the top. It's a flat bone of approximately triangular shape.
Skull's parts
We are drawing the eye holes, the mouth and the zygomatic bone. The skull's bones protect the brain.
We are starting drawing the spine.
The thoracic cage includes the ribs. Human has twelve ribs on each side.
Pelvis bones
The spine ends with the coccyx – a small bone.
The pelvis bones are attached to the coccyx.
Attach the upper arms to the shoulder blades. Attach the thighbones to the pelvis bones.
Next, draw the bones of the tibia – the lower part of the legs.
Don't forget to draw the skeleton's lower bones of the upper limbs.
Phalanges of fingers
They are the short tubular bones. Each hand has five fingers. Every finger must have three bones.
They are formed by the short bones, the heel bone is the most massive among them.
It's proved that the natural color of the bones is from beige to light brown. Samples of white color can be found in the museum, this is achieved when cleansing and boiling the bones. Choose a color you want.
Try to color the skeleton online on the website.
How To Draw Human Skeleton
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